Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
1.1 Block Clubs _ $36,675.00 $55,600.00 $30,000.00 $33,500.00 $20,087.68 __$175,862.68     2,7,13,37
1.2 Volunteer Neighborhood Patrols _ $5,000.00 ______$5,000.00      
1.3 Safety Information Networks _ $945.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 ____$5,945.00     7,24
1.4 Personal Security _ $10,000.00 $10,484.00 $4,516.00 ____$25,000.00     11
1.5 Home Security _ $30,000.00 $34,000.00 $30,484.00 $30,911.03 ___$125,395.03 $125,395.03   7,11,15,18,19,32
1.6 Community Lighting _ _$17,883.41 _$25,875.16 __$30,000.00 $43,758.57   $30,000.00 11,13,15,17,18,19,21,24,25,26,27,28,29,32,37
1.7 Supplemental Police Patrols _ $24,000.00 $24,000.00 $19,944.24 ____$67,944.24     37
1.9 27th Street Rail Corridor _ _$15,000.00 _____$15,000.00     11
1.10 Community Building _ $5,555.00 $6,119.54 $4,000.00 $5,124.54 $4,000.00 __$24,799.08     7,23,24,28
2.1 River Corridor Protection $30,000.00 $151,500.00 $146,680.75 ____$10,000.00 $328,180.75   $10,000.00 11,14,17,21,27,30,37
2.2 Urban Forest _ $45,000.00 $60,000.00 _____$105,000.00     24
2.3 Brackett Park Improvements $137,000.00 $365,500.00 $266,583.05 _____$769,083.05     11,13,25,29
2.4 Community Gardens _ _$9,153.93 _____$9,153.93     37
2.5 Minnehaha Ave. Improvements _ __$1,140.82 ____$1,140.82     13,24,26,27,29,37
2.6 Bicycling Initiatives _ $5,765.00 ___$4,000.00 _$112,194.81 $9,765.00   $112,194.81 11,17,21,30,37
2.7 Traffic Calming _ $7,969.40 ______$7,969.40     5,29,30
3.1 Housing Office _ $85,000.00 $30,850.00 $32,800.00 $30,500.00 $27,125.00 _$115,000.00 $206,275.00 $206,275.00 $115,000.00 1,2,6,13,17,21
3.2 Designated Property Improvement _ $75,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 ____$325,000.00 $325,000.00   9
3.3 Housing Fix and Paint _ $321,500.00 _____$152,094.90 $321,500.00 $321,500.00 $152,094.90 6,37
3.4 Basic Home Improvements $1,000,000.00 $470,000.00 _____$69,230.71 $1,470,000.00 $1,470,000.00 $69,230.71 6,9,20,24,31,33,43
3.5 Major Remodeling _ $860,000.00 $580,000.00 $522,000.00 $19,000.00 ___$1,981,000.00 $1,981,000.00 $556,385.43 1,12,13,14,17,21,27,34,35,36,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46
3.6 Rental Rehabilitation _ $95,000.00 $44,997.00 $40,000.00 ____$179,997.00 $179,997.00   1,29
4.1 Corridor / Community Development _ $243,365.60 $292,219.29 $218,800.00 ____$754,384.89     8,13,21,29,37
4.2 Local Marketplace _ $10,000.00 $10,900.00 $1,000.00 ____$21,900.00     26
4.3 Job Resource Center _ _______      8,11
4.4 Business Resource Center _ $55,675.00 $129,963.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 __$335,638.00     2,13
4.5 Storefront Revitalization _ $61,948.63 $6,650.00 _____$68,598.63     11,17,37
4.6 Longfellow Historic Trail _ _______      13
4.7 Business Recycling _ _______      10
5.1 Youth Employment, Mentoring, Tutoring _ $5,000.00 $85,000.00 $30,000.00 $20,000.00 ___$140,000.00     4,11
5.2 Entrepreneurial Education _ $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 ___$35,000.00     4
5.3 Youth Leadership _ $12,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 ____$19,000.00      
5.4 Community Building Events _ $108,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,500.00 ____$115,500.00     11,29
5.5 Minnehaha Corridor Youth Recreation _ $60,000.00 $13,500.00 $15,000.00 ____$88,500.00     16,29
5.6 East Minneapolis YWCA _ $500,000.00 ______$500,000.00     3
5.7 School/Community Partnerships _ $75,000.00 $74,800.71 $9,609.87 $17,000.00 $18,000.00 __$194,410.58     11,16,22,29,37
6.1 NRP Administration _ $136,360.00 $160,552.00 $90,845.83 $106,160.00 $98,785.00 $454,225.00 _$592,702.83 $320,059.53 $454,225.00 2,11,13,17,20,24,27,37,40
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $45,901.37 $6,565.32 $142,719.24 $31,089.27 $4,912.32     $231,187.52   $1,328,716.70  
TOTAL$1,167,000.00 $3,918,160.00 $2,224,502.00 $1,383,860.00 $379,160.00 $226,910.00 $9,299,592.00 $4,929,226.56 $2,827,847.55  
% FOR HOUSING54%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan12/30/97The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $45,000 to the Housing Office (Housing, Strategy 1) in 1996. The funds are moved from: (1) Major Remodeling (Housing, Strategy 5) - $40,000; and (2) Rental Rehabilitation (Housing, Strategy 6) - $5,000.
2Full Action Plan07/20/98The NRP Director approved a transfer of neighborhood funds designated for audits to the NRP administrative budget (in accordance with the action taken by the Policy Board on November 17, 1997). For the Longfellow Action Plan, this transfer amounts to $3,258 from the following strategies: (1) $400 in 1997 from Block Clubs (Neighborhood Safety 1.); (2) $400 in 1997 from Housing Office (Housing 1.); (3) $1,000 in 1996 from Business Resource Center (Community Development 4.); and (4) $1,458 in 1997 from NRP Admin (Administration). This transfer reduces the overall allocation to the Action Plan by $3,258.
3Full Action Plan10/20/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to modify the language to East Minneapolis YWCA (Youth and Family 6.) to change the site of the YWCA from the Anne Sullivan School Site to the East Lake Street. This modification does not change the funds allocated to this strategy.
4Full Action Plan01/04/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $10,000 in 1999 from Youth Employment, Mentoring and Tutoring (Youth and Families 1) to Entrepreneurial Education (Youth and Families 2).
5Full Action Plan02/02/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to change the wording of Traffic Calming (Environment and Transportation 7) to allow for activity throughout the community, not just along West River Parkway. The modification does not change any allocations in the plan.
6Full Action Plan02/05/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $202,094.90 of program income generated under Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4) in the following manner: (1) $50,000 to Housing Office (Housing 1); and (2) $152,094.90 to Fix and Paint (Housing 3). The actual program income will be received from Southside Neighborhood Housing Service upon approval of this modification.
7Full Action Plan04/21/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $8,500 in 1999 to Block Clubs (Neighborhood Safety 1) from the following strategies: (1) $2,500 from Safety Information Networks (Neighborhood Safety 3); (2) $2,000 from Home Security (Neighborhood Safety 5); and (3) $4,000 from Community Building (Neighborhood Safety 10).
8Full Action Plan03/14/00The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $140,000 ($35,600 in 1996; $65,600 in 1997; and $38,800 in 1998) to Corridor/Community Development (Community Development 1)from Job Resource Center (Community Development 3).
9Full Action Plan05/10/00The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $50,000 in 1996 to Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4) from Designated Property Improvements (Housing 2).
10Full Action Plan08/15/00The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 ($12,500 in 1996 and $12,500 in 1997) to Storefront Revitalization (Community Development 5) from Business Recycling (Community Development 7).
11Full Action Plan04/24/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $257,000 from the following strategies: (1) $9,516 in 1999 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (2) $50,850 ($35,850 in 1996 and $15,000 in 1997) from 27th Street Rail Corridor (Neighborhood Safety 9); (3) $16,634 in 1997 from Park Improvements (Environment and Transportation 3); (4) $100,000 ($17,000 in 1998; $45,000 in 1999; and $38,000 in 2000) from Job Resource Center (Community Development 3); and (5) $80,000 in 1996 from Youth Employment, Mentor, Tutor (Youth and Families 1). The funds are reallocated in the following manner: (1) $5,000 ($484 in 1997 and $4,516 in 1998) to Personal Security (Neighborhood Safety 4); (2) $25,000 ($12,484 in 1998 and $12,516 in 1999) to Home Security (Neighborhood Safety 5); (3) $27,000 in 1997 to River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); (4) $25,000 in 1999 to Bicycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6); (5) $15,000 ($10,850 in 1996 and $4,150 in 1997) to Storefront Revitalization (Community Development 5); (6) $105,000 in 1996 to Community Building Events (Youth and Families 4); (7) $35,000 ($17,000 in 1999 and $18,000 in 2000) to School/Community Partnerships (Youth and Families 7); and (8) $20,000 in 2000 to NRP Admin (Administration). The modification also revises the wording of Community Building Events (Youth and Families 4) to include senior citizen outreach programs.
12Full Action Plan04/24/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to revise the wording of Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to broaden the types of assistance that can be provided to homeowners.
13Full Action Plan02/01/02 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $214,463 from the following strategies: (1) $118.097 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (2) $16,866 in 1997 from Park Improvements (Environment and Transportation 3); (3) $2,500 in 1997 from Minnehaha Avenue Improvements (Environment and Transportation 5); (4) $60,000 in 1997 from Major Remodeling (Housing 5); (5) $12,000 in 1997 from Corridor/Community Development (Community Development 1); and (6) $5,000 in 1996 from Longfellow Historical Trail (Community Development 6). The funds are reallocated in the following manner: (1) $21,000 in 1997 to Block Clubs (Neighborhood Safety 1); (2) $60,000 ($5,000 in 1996 and $55,000 in 1997) to Housing Office (Housing 1); (3) $79,963 in 1997 to Business Resource Center (Community Development 4); and (4) $53,500 in 1997 to NRP Administration (Administration).
14Full Action Plan05/17/02 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,000 in 1998 from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1). The modification also revises the wording of River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1) to allow for a native planting grant program. The reallocated funds will be used for this program.
15Full Action Plan08/02/02 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $12,000 in 1999 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6) to Home Security (Neighborhood Safety 5).
16Full Action Plan12/03/02 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $15,000 in 1998 from Minnehaha Corridor Youth Recreation (Youth and Families 5) to School/Community Partnerships (Youth and Families 7) for the Minnesota Transitions Charter School.
17Full Action Plan02/26/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $50,000 from the following strategies: (1) $10,000 in 1999 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (2) $5,000 in 1998 from River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); (3) $10,000 in 1999 from Bycycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6); (4) $15,000 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5); and (5) $10,000 in 1997 from Storefront Revitalization (Community Development 5). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Housing Office (Housing 1); and (2) $45,000 ($10,000 in 1997; $5,000 in 1998; $20,000 in 1999; and $10,000 in Program Income) to NRP Admin (Administration).
18Full Action Plan04/17/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,849.03 in 1999 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6) to Home Security (Neighborhood Safety 5).
19Full Action Plan07/10/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $4,546 in 1999 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6) to Home Security (Neighborhood Safety 5). The modification also revises the wording of two strategies: (1) Major Remodeling (Housing 5) is revised to allow retrofitting houses for people with special needs; and (2) School/Community Partnerships (Youth and Families 7) is revised to allow educational projects in parks and libraries.
20Full Action Plan10/09/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $118,487 in Program Income from Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4) to NRP Admin (Administration).
21Full Action Plan01/28/04 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $450,000 from the following strategies: (1) $30,000 in 1996 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (2) $10,000 ($5,000 in 1997 and $5,000 in 1998) from River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); (3) $126,000 ($80,000 in 1997; $27,000 in 1998; and $19, 000 in 1999) from Bicycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6); (4) $60,000 ($5,000 in 1996 and $55,000 in 1997) from Housing Office (Housing 1); and (5) $224,000 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $10,000 in Program Income to River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); (2) $124,000 in Program Income to Bicycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6); and (3) $286,000 ($35,000 in 1996; $140,000 in 1997; $32,000 in 1998; $19,000 in 1999; and $60,000 in Program Income) to Major Remodeling (Housing 5). The modification also revises the wording of several strategies. Designated Property Improvements (Housing 2), Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4), Major Remodeling (Housing 5) and Rental Rehabilitation (Housing 6) are all revised to allow for the funds to be used interchangeably between these four strategies. Corridor/Community Development (Community Development 1) is also revised to allow for housing development activity.
22Full Action Plan03/25/04 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to revise the wording of School/Community Partnerships (Youth and Families 7) to include the use of 2nd 7.5% NRP funds for the Sullivan Communications Center Technology Initiative.
23Full Action Plan08/17/04The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to revise the wording of Community Building (Neighborhood Safety 10) to include the use of NRP funds for a Restorative Justice Program.
24Full Action Plan10/18/04The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $115,545.54 from the following strategies: (1) $1,555 in 1996 from Safety Info Networks (Neighborhood Safety 3); (2) $2,119.54 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (3) $10,000 in 1997 from Minnehaha Ave Improvements (Environment and Transportation 5); and (4) $101,871 in Program Income from Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $3,674.54 ($1,555 in 1996 and $2,119.54 in 1997) to Community Building (Neighborhood Safety 10); (2) $10,000 in 1997 to Urban Forest (Environment and Transportation 2); and (3) $101,871 in Program Income to NRP Admin (Administration).
25Full Action Plan01/12/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $4,482.43 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6) to Park Improvements (Environment and Transportation 3).
26Full Action Plan06/28/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,900 ($900 in 1997 and $1,000 in 1998) to Local Marketplace (Community Development 2) from the following strategies: (1) $900 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); and (2) $1,000 in 1998 from Minnehaha Ave Improvements (Environment and Transportation 5).
27Full Action Plan02/09/06The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $135,467 ($13,600 in 1997; $3,000 in 1998; and $118,867 in Program Income) to NRP Admin (Administration) from the following strategies: (1) $13,000 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (2) $600 in 1997 from River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); (3) $3,000 in 1998 from Minnehaha Ave Improvements (Environment and Transportation 5); and (4) $118,867 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5).
28Full Action Plan07/06/06The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $5,124.54 in 1999 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6) to Community Building (Neighborhood Safety 10).
29Full Action Plan12/08/06The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $46,384.89 ($2,765.60 in 1996; $38,619.29 in 1997; and $5,000 in 1998) to Corridor/Community Development (Community Development 1). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $14,517.62 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (2) $4,399.38 in 1997 from Park Improvements (Environment and Transportation 3); (3) $5,000 in 1998 from Minnehaha Ave Improvements (Environment and Transportation 5); (4) $2,765.60 in 1996 from Traffic Calming (Environment and transportation 7); (5) $3 in 1997 from Rental Rehabilitation (Housing 6); (6) $3,000 in 1997 from Community Building Events (Youth and Families 4); (7) $16,500 in 1997 from Minnehaha Corridor Youth Recreation (Youth and Families 5); and (8) $199.29 in 1997 from School/Community Initiatives (Youth and Families 7).
30Full Action Plan05/16/07 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $22,922 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $2,922 in 1997 from River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); and (2) $20,000 in 1996 from Bicycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $20,000 in 1996 to Environmental Projects Partnerships (Phase II, Environment and Transportation 12.A.1.); and (2) $2,922 in 1997 to Ecological Restoration Activities (Phase II, River Gorge 15.A.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #30 and Phase II Plan Modification #1.) The modification also reallocates $1,235 in 1996 from Bicycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6) to Traffic Calming (Environment and Transportation 7).
31Full Action Plan06/02/08 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $24,850 in Program Income from Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4) to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $3,500 in Program Income to Phase II strategy Communications to Welcome and Inform Residents (Phase II Plan, Community Connections 2.A.1.); and (2) $21,350 in Program Income to Phase II strategy Longfellow History Project (Phase II Plan, Community Connections 3.C.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #31 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
32Full Action Plan09/09/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $14,000 in 1997 from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6) to Home Security (Neighborhood Safety 5).
33Full Action Plan07/09/09 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $24,000 in Program Income from Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4) to Phase II strategy Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.) (This is Phase I Plan Modification #33 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.)
34Full Action Plan11/18/09The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $24,999 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to Phase II strategy Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.) (This is Phase I Plan Modification #34 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
35Full Action Plan05/27/10The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $150,000 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to Phase II strategy Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.) (This is Phase I Plan Modification #35 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.)
36Full Action Plan11/09/11The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $100,000 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to Phase II strategy, Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.) (This is Phase I Plan Modification #36 and Phase II Plan Modification #6.)
37Full Action Plan12/16/11The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $220,070.71 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $4,912.32 in 2000 from Block Clubs (Neighborhood Safety 1); (2) $131,089.27 ($100,000 in 1998 and $31,089.27 in 1999) from Community Lighting (Neighborhood Safety 6); (3) $4,055.76 in 1998 from Supplemental Police Patrols (Neighborhood Safety 7); (4) $1,797.25 in 1997 from River Corridor Protection (Environment and Transportation 1); (5) $12,846.07 ($11,000 in 1996 and $1,846.07 in 1997) from Community Gardens (Environment and Transportation 4); (6) $2,359.18 in 1998 from Minnehaha Avenue Improvements (Environment and Transportation 5); (7) $11,805.19 in Program Income from Bicycling Initiatives (Environment and Transportation 6); (8) $3,500 in 1996 from Fix and Paint (Housing 3); (9) $25,000 in 1998 from Corridor/Community Development (Community Development 1); (10) $11,401.37 in 1996 from Storefront Revitalization (Community Development 5); (11) $5,390.13 in 1998 from School/Community Partnerships (Youth and Families 7); and (12) $5,914.17 in 1998 from NRP Admin (Administration). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $146,918.38 ($3,500 in 1996; $112,329.11 in 1998; and $31,089.27 in 1999) to Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.); (2) $5,390.13 in 1998 to Youth Engagement Program (Phase II Plan, Community Connections 4.A.2.); (3) $4,912.32 in 2000 to Support Block Clubs (Phase II Plan, Community Connections 5.A.2.); (4) $25,000 in 1998 to Commercial Revitalization Staff Support (Phase II Plan, Commercial 10.A.1.); (5) $11,401.37 in 1996 to Community Business Support (Phase II Plan, Commercial 11.B.1.); (6) $12,846.07 ($11,000 in 1996 and $1,846.07 in 1997) to Community Gardens (Phase II Plan, Environment and Transportation 12.D.1.); (7) $11,805.19 in Program Income to Improve Bicycling Facilities (Phase II Plan, Environment and Transportation 13.B.1.); and (8) $1,797.25 in 1997 to Trail Improvement Activities (Phase II Plan, River Gorge 15.B.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #37 and Phase II Plan Modification #7.)
38Full Action Plan03/06/12The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $12,000 in Program Income from Phase II strategy, Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.) to Phase II strategy, Longfellow History Project (Phase II Plan, Community Connections 3.C.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #38 and Phase II Plan Modification #8.)
39Full Action Plan05/15/13The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $4,681 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $3,181 in Program Income to Ecological Restoration Activities (Phase II Plan, River Gorge 15.A.2.); and (2) $1,500 in Program Income to Improve Water Quality (Phase II Plan, River Gorge 15.C.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #39 and Phase II Plan Modification #9.)
40Full Action Plan07/31/15The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Promote Green/Sustainable Infrastructure on Lake (Phase II Plan, Environment and Transportation 13.A.1.); and (2) $5,000 in Program Income to Improve Water Quality (Phase II Plan, River Gorge 15.C.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #40 and Phase II Plan Modification #11.) The modification also reallocates $105,000 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to NRP Admin (Administration).
41Full Action Plan02/02/17The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $346,932.42 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $150,000 in Program Income to Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.); (2) $100,000 in Program Income to Home Improvement Program (Phase II Plan, Housing 7.A.1.); and (3) $96,932.42 in Program Income to Community Business Support (Phase II Plan, Commercial Revitalization 11.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #41 and Phase II Plan Modification #12.)
42Full Action Plan12/22/17The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $14,000 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Communications to Welcome and Inform Residents (Community Connections 2.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #42 and Phase II Plan Modification #15.)
43Full Action Plan06/21/23The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $187,000 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $62,342.83 in Program Income from Basic Home Improvements (Housing 4); and (2) $124,657.17 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $15,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.); (2) $40,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Community Art Events (Phase II Plan, Community Connections 3.A.2.); (3) $92,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Home Improvement Program (Phase II Plan, Housing 7.A.1.); and (4) $40,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Environmental Projects Partnerships (Phase II Plan, Environment and Transportation 12.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #43 and Phase II Plan Modification #20.)
44Full Action Plan07/13/23The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $195,078.70 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to Phase II strategy, Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #44 and Phase II Plan Modification #21.)
45Full Action Plan08/22/23The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $195,078.70 in Program Income from Major Remodeling (Housing 5) to Phase II strategy, Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #45 and Phase II Plan Modification #22.)
46Full Action Plan08/24/23The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $62,781.06 ($8,901.37 in 1996; $13,300 in 1998 and $40,579.69 in Program Income) to Phase II strategy, Phase II Administrative Support (Phase II Plan, Implementation and Administration 1.B.1.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $40,191.69 in Program Income from from Major Remodeling (Housing 5); (2) $288 in Program Income from Phase II strategy, Home Improvement Program (Phase II Plan, Housing 7.A.1.); (3) $13,300 in 1998 from Phase II strategy, Commercial Revitalization Staff Support (Phase II Plan, Commercial Revitalization 10.A.1.); and (4) $8,901.37 in 1996 from Phase II strategy, Community Business Support (Phase II Plan, Commercial Revitalization 11.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #46 and Phase II Plan Modification #23.)

Longfellow Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 03/14/2025 at 2:41 PM